Monday, April 30, 2012

Tears of the Dragon--Overcoming Fear of Living: A Poem

t=The tears of the dragon, draws nigh-
if you would open the portal to a dream
that is the hollow bone of veil of sorrow,
which blossoms into joy.
for all who follow the Way of the Boddhisatva,
invoke the ancestral Buddhas,
who now sleep in the bliss of Nimbana-
and pray and meditate on Overcomming all Fear,
as Shantideva says, and St. Paul
says that is the awakening of alter-Faith,
which is Great Sermon of Won-Hyo and Nicheren.
"For it is Faith which Overcomes the World."
For this spiritual Bamboo Staff of impenetrable
Shield and Armor,
We engage in the Peace of a Virtuous Life
of Practice, and dispassion of Discourse of Reason-
have vanquished all foes, as to pray for them,
and be enlightened that too like yourself,
and like us have all too much suffered
in this Veil of Tears, so pray and meditate
in fear, trembling and diligence, hence that all rest
in peace, and live triumphantly with
Heart of Love and Hope, til we depart
from this world to earthen vessel transforrming
and trasncending Night Twilight, of the a Yellow,
 Blue, White and Brown, Violet, Crimson Dusk.

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